Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Well, I've looked around a little, and I have to say, this is a pretty interesting thing! I've tried several times to write in a journal over the years, and things just haven't worked out. I think I try to tell too much info. I try to write all about me and every last thing that I've ever done...and by the time I'm nearly caught up so I can begin with what's happing now...I've lost interest. It's a vicious cycle! So, I'm going to try and write something on here, maybe I will do better with a journal online? Perhaps. I'll try to write everyday (weekends excluded because my parents have a no-computer-on-the-weekend rule) but I can't promise anything because I'm involved a lot with and but if I find myself caught up with everything, like I have today, I will write an entry.
Guess this counts as my first entry (please just ignore the real first one). Anyways, I am going to leave this site now so as to not get too caught up with trying to talk about myself for eons. Maybe tommorow I will give a brief synopsis of myself and my general life. If I can handle that!

My First Entry

Hi out there! I'm new to all this and am not sure what to do exactly. Guess I'll say a little about myself! I'm Roxanne and... I will finish this later once I figure a few things out. Ta. Haha! Right... As you can see, I have no idea what I'm doing! :-)